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Apex Rechargeable

Apex Rechargeable

Regular price $119.99 Sale


The newest APEX, with 90 hours of burntime, has a rechargeable lithium ion battery pack which clips to the headstrap, or can be moved to the user’s belt or stashed in their pack with an extended power cable. A USB charging cable comes standard with the headlamp, making it easy to replenish the battery whether at home or overseas. With a single Regulated Maxbright LED partnered with Four white Regulated Ultrabright LEDs, the Apex provides either a powerful spot beam or a bright flood - two big buttons make switching between modes easy. 


•  USB Charging Cable

•  42" Extension Cord

•  Remote Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery 

•  Head Strap & Crown Strap

•  Head Strap Bracket

•  Velcro Strap to mount to Bike Helmet



POWER 350 Lumens
LAMP 4 Ultrabright LEDs, Maxbright LED
BURN TIME 90 Hours
BATTERIES Lithium Ion Rechargeable
WEIGHT 283 Grams

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