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Model 600 Cable Reel

Model 600 Cable Reel

Model 600 CABLE REEL 


For Long, Heavy Gauge Cords  

To keep away from

Tangled, kinked and

Knotted cords that

Can be reclaimed

With a minimum

Amount of time.

 Power Coated Red Finish

  • Overall height 20”
  • Heavy 18 Gauge Steel Construction
  • Totally Enclosed Collector, 30 Ampere Rating
  • Furnised with 10 ft. Pigtail
  • Shipping Weight: 18 lbs.

 You Will Find These “Live” Extension Cord

Reels A Money Saver

Cord Capacity:

   100 ft. ----- 10-3

   125 ft. ----- 12-3

   175 ft. ----  14-3